We have landed...
- September, 13 2014

What we've been up to...
We are here! After a little detour through London, we arrived safely in Accra, with most of our bags. Not to worry, they arrived the following morning. Many of our days have been spent getting things in order here. We were able to clear our container with our belongings; everything was just as we had packed it! We spent a long, hot day having our items inspected by customs & the port authority, then transporting it into a truck, and finally to a home for storage. Josh & Hannah were comforted by getting back a few special things that had been in the container, like their quilts to sleep with, which made home seem not so far away.One of the first things that needed to be done was meeting with insurance agents and the Department of Motor Vehicles to register our truck and get driver's licenses. We've also opened a bank account, and were able to meet with immigration agents to begin the process of Carolyn becoming a 'resident' and the children becoming dual citizens.

One thing that Godfrey has been looking forward to is authentic Ghanaian food. We've all been able to try some local dishes. Fufu, Banku, jollof rice, go along with soups made with chicken, fish, snails, crab, or goat meat. Carolyn and the kids play it safe with chicken soup. Godfrey enjoyed filling up with the everything!
Many of you have been asking how we are doing emotionally. By God's grace we are doing great. We have been in contact with four family in the U.S. via Skype and the phone. Our Internet is up, but sporadic with the electricity. Our close friends have graciously opened their home to us & have helped us find our way around the city. They are an abundant blessing. God's peace & protection is surrounding us, we feel it daily.

House hunting is our next priority. We will be looking at homes in a few different areas, and praying God gives us discernment and favor in the process. Our hearts and minds are always on connecting to people wherever we go. In such a large city, people go about their lives without much thought to their neighbor, so connecting must be intentional on our part. Children are the most open, their curiosity is unending. We plan to begin outreaches as soon as we find the area in which we will live. We also will update you on our mailing address when we find a home.