Our Blog

news and updates from Serve Ghana

Merry Christmas!

  • December, 22 2014


May Christ's peace at Christmas be your peace today & throughout the new year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What we've been up to...
     In the month of December, we've been having an outreach for the neighborhood
https://gallery.mailchimp.com/52f0ad14d8d08356fada408c3/images/ae3295eb-d2cf-45f3-8851-fe51e16b0d5a.jpgchildren each Saturday morning. This has been a great place to start building relationships and sharing Christ's love. During our events the children enjoy fun songs, games (such as sac races, lime on a spoon, and other relays), a Christmas story, and finally a game of soccer (football). The children are divided into teams, the team leaders are given time to share more on the Christmas story with the children in their smaller groups and invite any who are ready to accept Christ. Praise God, there have been several children who have asked Jesus in their hearts!
     We have been meeting weekly with our launch team, where we study God's word, pray and plan. Those who have joined the team have a passion for the unreached, and have brought an excitement that has blessed and encouraged us!
What's ahead...

     In January, we plan to continue meeting new people and deepening https://gallery.mailchimp.com/52f0ad14d8d08356fada408c3/images/325a7861-15f3-4cc1-858d-a4d8bdb773a3.jpgthe relationships with our neighbors and team.
     There is some traveling that Godfrey would like to do to the Northern Region. This is the unreached area. We've heard many good things are beginning to happen there and it is a good time to check it out.
     January & February is a time called "Harmattan" when fierce winds blow and it gets extremely dry, dusty & hot. So as you are bundling up to head outside or enjoying some time warming by a fire, please remember us in prayer. This is a physically tough time and our bodies will need time to adjust. It is challenging to do outside activities, as we have been doing. We are looking for more creative ways to continue to show the love of Christ by serving those around us.
     Our main goal, with God's help, is to launch Serve Ghana Community Church in 2015, to reach the unr eached with the gospel.
We’ve gotten many requests for a mailing address:
How to find us...
US address:                                                  Ghana address:
Godfrey & Carolyn Onwunili                               Godfrey & Carolyn Onwunili
PO Box 146                                                     c/o Percy Boamah
Eden, WI 53019                                                PO Box KN725 Kaneshie
                                                                     Accra, Ghana


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  • November, 24 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Ghana!
Ghana is feeling more like home now that we’ve moved into our rented home a week ago. This year we’ve been invited by an American missionary for a Thanksgiving dinner, we are looking forward to it. We are thankful for our new friends God has blessed us with.

In our devotions, we shared as a family what we were thankful for. Here is a few:

  • For God’s presence in our lives
  • For God's direction and blessing in building relationships with those who have the heart for the people of Ghana
  • Our family and friends in the U.S and here in Ghana.
  • For the many families and churches that are standing with us in prayer, encouragement and financial support. Thank you!
  • Legos (Joshua) Barbies (Hannah)
Meet some students from the University of Ghana who are part of the church plant launch team. We are encouraged by their passion, creativity, and devotion to sharing the gospel.

Our next goal is to have an outreach in the neighborhood in which we are living. This is Godfrey with two of our neighbors, Kwadey & Gordon. Behind them is Gordon's home, Kwadey lives in a similar structure with his daughter, Ernestina. There are many children in the neighborhood and our landlord has an open lot that is perfect for a small ‘park’. Our vision is to level the ground to make it suitable to play soccer, have a swing set, & sand box. This would be a great gathering place for the local children, young people, and parents. We would then be able to utilize this space to minister to those families. We hope to begin this project in December. Please continue to pray for God to prepare the hearts of those we will be sharing with.
Lamentations 3:22-23
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends
    His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
    his mercies begin afresh each morning.


Praise Reports...
~ We are moved into a new home!

~ Carolyn is comfortable navigating the roads & market on her own

~ Relationships with neighbors & launch team leaders are developing

~ Finding ways to bless those in need, such as feeding a young boy, pictured below, who begs daily in traffic.

Prayer requests...
~ Beginning outreaches & connecting with neighbors
~ Finding a meeting place for the church plant
~ Josh & Hannah to develop friendships
~ Please email us with your needs we would love to be praying for them.

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We have landed...

  • September, 13 2014

What we've been up to...
     We are here! After a little detour through London, we arrived safely in Accra, with most of our bags. Not to worry, they arrived the following morning. Many of our days have been spent getting things in order here. We were able to clear our container with our belongings; everything was just as we had packed it! We spent a long, hot day having our items inspected by customs & the port authority, then transporting it into a truck, and finally to a home for storage. Josh & Hannah were comforted by getting back a few special things that had been in the container, like their quilts to sleep with, which made home seem not so far away.
     One of the first things that needed to be done was meeting with insurance agents and the Department of Motor Vehicles to register our truck and get driver's licenses. We've also opened a bank account, and were able to meet with immigration agents to begin the process of Carolyn becoming a 'resident' and the children becoming dual citizens.
     A few of the fun things we were able to do is visit with Godfrey's mom, Edna, and meet our nephew for the first time! We walked around the neighborhood where Godfrey grew up and heard about his childhood memories. We were also able to connect with another missionary family who lives in PramPram, about an hour from Accra. They have a thriving ministry in their village. What an encouragement they were to us!

     One thing that Godfrey has been looking forward to is authentic Ghanaian food. We've all been able to try some local dishes. Fufu, Banku, jollof rice, go along with soups made with chicken, fish, snails, crab, or goat meat. Carolyn and the kids play it safe with chicken soup. Godfrey enjoyed filling up with the everything!

Many of you have been asking how we are doing emotionally. By God's grace we are doing great. We have been in contact with four family in the U.S. via Skype and the phone. Our Internet is up, but sporadic with the electricity.  Our close friends have graciously opened their home to us & have helped us find our way around the city. They are an abundant blessing. God's peace & protection is surrounding us, we feel it daily.

What's ahead…
     House hunting is our next priority. We will be looking at homes in a few different areas, and praying God gives us discernment and favor in the process. Our hearts and minds are always on connecting to people wherever we go. In such a large city, people go about their lives without much thought to their neighbor, so connecting must be intentional on our part. Children are the most open, their curiosity is unending. We plan to begin outreaches as soon as we find the area in which we will live. We also will update you on our mailing address when we find a home.


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Departure News...

  • August, 29 2014

Happy Labor Day to you all!
"...therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Luke 10:2

Departure News!
Godfrey's documents arrived this morning; we've never been so excited to see a FedEx package as we were today! Praise the Lord! We were able to purchase our plane tickets, our flight departs this Tuesday, September 2nd. We are excited, along with other mixed emotions about the reality of missing you all. We really appreciate your patience and prayers through this long wait. We are grateful for your continued prayers for a safe trip and God's blessings on our mission in Ghana.

Prayer Requests...
~ finding a home, beginning homeschooling
~ building relationships with new neighbors
~ forming a church planting team
~ healing for those with Ebola in West Africa

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Mid July News...

  • July, 15 2014

    Yes, we are still here! We've been running into many friends around town and that is our first statement when meeting! Unfortunately, we are still here. Why we are here is we are awaiting a passport renewal that needed a correction. In the mean time, we have been making the best of our extra time here in the States.
     Godfrey was given the opportunity to share about missions to a leadership team at a church in Milwaukee. We have also been able to reconnect with families and churches who have come along side us in our mission. We hope to continue visiting more of you!  We are currently planning a road trip to visit family in Kentucky. 
   It hasn't been all fun and visits! We have been blessed to continue living in our home until we do fly out. So we've been working hard painting and repairing things around our home to prepare it for the next family to move in. Please pray for decisions that will need to be made concerning our home.
   The question is, when will we know more about our leaving date. We have been pursuing answers and the expedition of the paperwork with those in charge of the renewal. We will continue to be active in keeping the process moving, and will notify everyone when we know more. Thank you for your continued prayers concerning this issue!

But He said to me, "My grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak."
So I am very happy to brag about how weak I am. Then Christ's power can rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 NIrV

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July Update...

  • July, 01 2014

This week was a great week...
    This past Sunday we were prayed for & sent forth by our home church, Lighthouse. The service was followed by a great time of fellowship and farewells. Just a disclaimer, this was not a good-bye, but a see you later!
As of Friday, June 27th, our personal belongings are on their way to Ghana! We loaded up a shipping container and sent it on it's two month journey. We are living on a few air mattresses, folding table & chairs, but enjoying the adventure beginning! When we arrive in Ghana, we are blessed with friends who have opened their home to us in Accra, until we are able to find our own home.
    Unfortunately, we have had a de
lay in our departure due to waiting on a passport renewal from the Ghanaian Embassy. We are diligently working toward the expediting of the paperwork. This process is preparing us for the challenges we may face while working with the government in Ghana. Through prayer, we have peace & know God works all things together for good. We plan to book our flight just as soon as the passport comes. We will let you know more, when that time comes!

If you are following World Cup Soccer, we have come to accept the US win over Ghana. We are rooting for the US team to go all the way!

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